Movinn Investors

Investor Relations

First solo project at work, where I developed the investor relations page for the upcoming IPO of the company. The application is made with React and TypeScript in the React framework Next.JS. In addition to this the application connects to several API's to fetch the latest share information and press releases.

Padel Partner

This application was made as a school project over a period of 6-month where documentation was a big focus during the development process.

Future Of Tech

Scroll Hijacking Concept

A scroll-hijacked prototype developed in React and TypeScript through Next.JS. The website implements a horizontal scroll section, multiple parallax effects, and hijacks the default scroll speed with third-party libraries Locomotive Scroll and GSAP. The prototype was designed for the thesis "Evaluating scroll hijacking techniques in the context of Call-to-Action specific websites". During the analysis, it was found that there are areas of use where it can be advantageous to use scroll hijacking to decrease the bounce rate and thereby increase the conversion, but it requires a thoughtful application.

Memory Game

This project was originally part of the Udacity Front End Nano-degree to learn the React framework. In this second version of the game, I recreated the game with vanilla JavaScript to sharpen my JS knowledge.


In this API-Mashup project, we combined Spotify's, Google Maps, Open Weather's, and Wikipedias API to create one integrated platform for all. The API-documentation can be accessed at a subpage of the main application.


A Python project made with an intent to handle object-oriented programming and creating new classes when you take on the role of a coach.